
FOAP logoDid you know that Algonquin Park has over 65 kilometres of interpretive walking trails that require ongoing maintenance? The Adopt-A-Trail program organized by The Friends of Algonquin Park uses volunteers to keep the Park's interpretive walking trails in good repair and attractive for Park users.

What is Required of Volunteers?

Participants are asked to assess the condition of a single interpretive walking trail on a weekly basis including picking up litter. Volunteers are required to hike their trail once a week from May through October and assess and clean up both the trail and the parking lot area. Having volunteers clean and assess the condition of Algonquin's interpretive trails allows Park staff to focus repair and maintenance efforts where it is most needed, rather than walking trails in need of no repairs. A trail report needs to be completed each time the trail is walked to inform Park staff of any maintenance issues or if everything is fine. Park staff will then look after all the maintenance required on the trail. Adopters need to provide their own gloves and transportation to the trail. A travel authorization card and garbage bags can be picked up at West Gate, East Gate, Sand Lake Gate, or Cedar Lake - Brent Access Point Office. Please return the travel authorization card, your completed trail report, and full garbage bags at the end of your Adopt-A-Trail walk.

Recognition and Benefits

In addition to the sense of pride, all Adopt-A-Trail volunteers will be named on an Adopt-A-Trail sign at the beginning of the trail(s) and in the Algonquin Park Information Guide.

How Are Trails Assigned?

Requests for specific trails are handled on a first-come, first-serve basis between you and the coordinator, giving preference to last years participants.

Trails Available for 2025

The following trail(s) are available for adoption.

  • Please check back in spring 2025 for available trails, or contact us below.

Sign Up Now!

For more information about the Adopt-A-Trail Program contact:

Adopt-A-Trail Coordinator
The Friends of Algonquin Park
Box 248, Whitney, Ontario, Canada K0J 2M0
Phone: (613) 637-2828 ext. 239


All Adopt-A-Trail participants are responsible for their own safety and cannot hold The Friends of Algonquin Park and/or Ontario Parks responsible for any injuries or damages that may be caused by or suffer from as a result of participation in this program. Adopt-A-Trail volunteers are not permitted to undertake their own unauthorized repairs or maintenance activities. Volunteers should report all issues to the Adopt-A-Trail Coordinator with The Friends of Algonquin Park.

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